Feedback policy
Feedback is a tool for buyers and sellers – to share their trading experiences with the Trade Me community.
General guidelines
- All Traders are expected to maintain a feedback rating of at least 95%.
- We encourage members to place feedback for all trades – once the goods are received.
- Feedback is a permanent part of your Trade Me account.
- Negative feedback can be disputed within 30 days.
Feedback must
- Be factual.
- Be about the specific trade.
- Not contain personal information.
Disputing negative feedback
Find out what to do if you’ve received unfair feedback from the buyer or seller.
We may remove feedback if:
- The feedback isn’t relevant to the trade itself.
- It contains swear words or other offensive or inappropriate content.
- It contains defamatory statements.
- It contains the trader's private personal information, contact details or other means to individually identify the trader.
- The trader placing feedback has been permanently removed from Trade Me.
- The feedback contains unfactual statements.
- The feedback refers to any ongoing investigation by Trade Me, the police, or any other authorised party.
- If Trade Me receives a court order to remove feedback, or where Trade Me otherwise considers it appropriate in line with Commerce Commission guidance to remove the feedback.
We won’t review feedback if:
- You haven’t attempted to resolve things with the other trader first.
- You haven’t met your trading obligations.
- The feedback doesn’t breach the Feedback terms and conditions.
- The feedback was placed more than 30 days ago.
Thank you for your feedback!