Fundraiser listings terms and conditions

  1. Acceptance of terms: By creating a Fundraiser Listing, you agree to these terms and conditions (“Terms”) which are between Trade Me Limited (“Trade Me”, “we”, “us”) and you.
  2. Payment of donation amount: If you create a Fundraiser Listing and the relevant item sells, you must transfer the Donation for that item to the bank account nominated by the relevant organisation within 5 working days of sale. The nominated bank account information will be supplied by email through the relevant organisations’ mailing list, or will be made available on the organisations’ social media channel. If you do not have the organisations’ bank account details, you must contact the relevant organisation directly to arrange payment.
  3. Fundraiser Listings: A “Fundraiser Listing” means a listing on Trade Me’s general items marketplace which is described as a “Fundraiser Listing”, and which requires the seller to donate a selected percentage (at least 50%) of the listing’s final sale price (“Donation”) to a specified school or charity chosen by the seller. To qualify as a Fundraiser Listing, the seller must include the appropriate ‘hashtag’ for the organisation they are supporting, and specify the percentage of the final sale price they are donating, in the listing body. The ‘hashtag’ will be included in the same communications that detail the relevant bank account details as described above.
  4. Success fees apply: For each Fundraiser Listing you create, you must pay the relevant success fee applicable to the final sale price (notwithstanding any Donation you make).
  5. Tax credit: If you make a Donation and would like to claim a tax credit for donating to a school or charity, please contact the relevant organisation with the contact information supplied in their mail out to you. You’ll need to comply with any requirements imposed by law or Inland Revenue.
  6. Other terms: The Trade Me terms and conditions(as amended from time to time) apply with all necessary modification to these Terms.
  7. Privacy: Your information collected by Trade Me for the purposes of these Terms is held and used by Trade Me subject to Trade Me’s privacy policy.

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